
Making resolutions

Ahhh…Resolutions. Did you make any? How are things going?
Our resolutions and goals are often big decisions. Perhaps we want to eat healthier, save money, start a business, or get organized. In order to get traction, we need a system or a road map for how we get from here to there. The big decision becomes a series of daily decisions where we resolve to execute our plan each new day. We need to form new habits and learn to look at things in a different way.
If you have daily habits that you want to implement and you leave it up to your brain to remember, your brain will always fall back into default mode because change is uncomfortable. You need to manage your daily routine to ensure that the new habit is a part of it, and you must learn to manage your mind because sheer willpower will never be enough.
I like to begin with some basic questions and I always write my answers down on paper. I included some potential answers but the deeper you get, the better.
1. What do you want to do? (for example) I want to read more.
2. Why do you want to achieve this goal? I want to enhance my life and gain more knowledge.
3. How are you going to do it? I am going to find a way to read each day – even if it is just one page.
4. When are you going to do it? I am going to read every night before I turn the tv on.
5. Who are you going to be when you achieve it? I will feel more confident and look forward to discussing the books I read with other people. I am going to be someone who reads a lot.
If you have a resolution or goal and it doesn’t feel like it is sticking, know that each day is a new day to start again.
Time management and organization is my jam and I love to share. Message me back and we can set up a time to chat about where you might be getting stuck (no obligation/charge involved).