What are the life skills you practice when no one is watching?
A strange question perhaps, but we all know that if you want to get better at something, you need to practice, right?
Look at the basketball players that shoot 500 free throws each day or the hours a baseball player might spend in a batting cage.
But what if you wanted to get better at general life skills. Skills like the ability to respond as opposed to react.
Let’s pretend you deal with anger as a regular emotion. Let’s also assume you would like to learn how to not get triggered. You could force yourself to spend time with someone who pisses you off and see how long you last without exploding… but I wouldn’t suggest it.
So how do you do it?
One way I practice is through meditation. Stay with me….
I have meditated daily for over 7 years, but my goals have never been about reaching nirvana. Or being able to sit for hours at a time.